03 October 2020

Visit Our New Website

 Visit our new website: https://bit.ly/MelbourneIkebana&nb...

30 August 2020

Ikebana Performance at Wa 2021


10 July 2020

Wa 2020 & Wa 2021

Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19. Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival 2021 will be held at Abbotsford Convent on 11 & 12 September 2021.&nb...

24 May 2020

Meet Our Exhibitors Online

Join Zoom Ikebana Dojo and learn Ikebana with us. Meet our exhibitors of Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival.  Zoom生花道場に参加して、和メルボルン生け花フェスティバル出展者と語り合おう!英語で生け花を学びたい方、教えたい方も歓迎します。日本人出展予定者への特典あ...

21 April 2020

Wa 2020 Update: 20 April 2020

Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival, 19 & 20 September 2020  Due to the current health concern, we may have to change some aspects of our event. However, in the meantime, we are preparing as much as we can. Please join our exhibition! All ikebana schools welcome. Wa, an international...

11 April 2020

Daily Meditation: Stay Home

Stay Home. Stronger Togethe...

06 April 2020

Mission Statement - Revised

Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival  Vision Harmony (wa) through flowers - for society and the environment.  People around the world experiencing, enjoying, understanding and appreciating ikebana individually and together.  Mission To increase community understanding, enjoyment...

02 April 2020

Daily Meditation


01 April 2020

Stay Home

The Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival Committee sincerely hopes that you and your family are in good health and strong in spirit. ...

18 March 2020

New in 2020

Another new project in the Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival 2020. Our poster project is to introduce all ikebana schools represented at our exhibition. This will help our visitors understand ikebana better. The posters with contact details of each school will help each school promote effectively...

12 March 2020

Projects by Shoan & Shoso

1. 25 - 29 March 2020: Melbourne Flower Show. They will create displays under "Melbourne Ikebana Festival" at Shop Window Competition. http://melbflowershow.com.au/ 2. June 2020: Sculpture Commission 3. 12 September 2020: Ikebana Dinner Show, Quaff Restaurant, Toorak. https://waikebana.blogsp...

10 March 2020

Publication by Wa Exhibitors

Publication Opportunities 1. Following essays by Wa 2019 exhibitors were accepted for the International Journal of Ikebana Studies, Vol.6. Congratulations! Teaching Ikebana in Australia Christopher James Ikebana Workshops for Kids: Findings on Conducting Ikebana Workshops for Young Children Shoan...

Featured Post

Wa 2020 & Wa 2021

Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19.  Wa Melbourne Ikebana Festival 2021 will be held at Abbotsford Conven...

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