We will introduce some of our exhibitors in Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival. Crick "exhibitor" label to see them all.
The 2018 Sogetsu Victorian Branch Exhibition in Melbourne, the Hawthorn Town Hall
第5回フェイスブック 草月みんなのいけばな展 銀の月賞受賞
She has exhibited extensively including the fifth Facebook Everyone’s Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition (she got silver moon award) and has exhibited five times in the Melbourne International Flower and garden show. She will also exhibit in the Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival in August of this year.
For those interested in seeing some of her work, her Facebook and instagram accounts are below. Also if you are interested in studying Ikebana she teaches weekly classes in Melbourne so feel free to contact her on Instagram or Facebook.
Instagram amy_suzuki_fuller https://www.instagram.com/amy_suzuki_fuller
Facebook ikebanaAkemi
HP https://ikebanaakemi.wixsite.com/mysite
第5回フェイスブック 草月みんなのいけばな展 銀の月賞受賞
2018年 草月ビクトリア支部展 出品
2019年 メルボルンインターナショナルフラワーガーデンショー 出品
2019年 8月 和 Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival 出品予定
2019年 メルボルンインターナショナルフラワーガーデンショー 出品
2019年 8月 和 Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival 出品予定
百聞は一見に如かず と言いますが、写真や映像を見てもその場の環境、樹々の匂いやテクスチャーを知ることは出来ません。メルボルンのダイナミックな自然の下、逞しく生きる樹々とネイティブフラワー。メルボルンを体感していけばなをいけてみませんか。
百聞は一見に如かず と言いますが、写真や映像を見てもその場の環境、樹々の匂いやテクスチャーを知ることは出来ません。メルボルンのダイナミックな自然の下、逞しく生きる樹々とネイティブフラワー。メルボルンを体感していけばなをいけてみませんか。
Instagram amy_suzuki_fuller https://www.instagram.com/amy_suzuki_fuller
Facebook ikebanaAkemi
HP https://ikebanaakemi.wixsite.com/mysite
Akemi Suzuki is a Japanese ikebana artist and teacher. Her work has been exhibited extensively in both Australia and Japan. She has been a practitioner of sogetsu ikebana for over 14 years. She uses a variety of techniques to bring the essence of ikebana to each piece of work.
Facebook ikebanaAkemi
HP https://ikebanaakemi.wixsite.com/mysite
Akemi Suzuki is a Japanese ikebana artist and teacher. Her work has been exhibited extensively in both Australia and Japan. She has been a practitioner of sogetsu ikebana for over 14 years. She uses a variety of techniques to bring the essence of ikebana to each piece of work.
She has exhibited extensively including the fifth Facebook Everyone’s Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition (she got silver moon award) and has exhibited five times in the Melbourne International Flower and garden show. She will also exhibit in the Wa: Melbourne Ikebana Festival in August of this year.
For those interested in seeing some of her work, her Facebook and instagram accounts are below. Also if you are interested in studying Ikebana she teaches weekly classes in Melbourne so feel free to contact her on Instagram or Facebook.
Instagram amy_suzuki_fuller https://www.instagram.com/amy_suzuki_fuller
Facebook ikebanaAkemi
HP https://ikebanaakemi.wixsite.com/mysite